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Town of Fishkill should remove LaGoy
from Comprehensive Plan Committee

Fishkill Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC) member Ann LaGoy is anything but a fair and neutral finder of facts. During a CPC meeting, she described her effort to stop Continental Commons as a “battle.” However, she did not share that she took the unprecedented step of trespassing on the Continental Commons property with a shovel and tampering with it. Recently, a ground penetrating radar study  concluded that the tampered area now contains high concentrations of metal, and may be seeded Continental Army artifacts to make it appear that the property is a Revolutionary War site, containing a soldier’s cemetery.


Members of the so-called Friends of the Fishkill Supply Depot (FOFSD) should not serve on the Comprehensive Plan Committee because they adversely impact the reputation and the integrity of the committee. FOFSD founder Mara Farrell was appointed to the Comprehensive Plan Committee, and she stepped down, but LaGoy did not. If Supervisory Albra is sincere about “good and open government” as he claims, he should remove her from the committee.

Check out this short video, and let us know what you think!


LaGoy Video

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